Sometimes when working in the office, we have to work on more than just ledgers, presentations and TPS reports. Sometimes you will need to be creative. This can mean you have to do everything from a corporate brochure to an invite to Cheryl from accountings birthday (she deserves it). So having the ability to be creative at work is not just an added bonus but a skill that will help you be a successful employee. While most people think of being creative as an entirely internal endeavor, there are some external factors that influence your ability to be creative and this is especially true in the workplace. These external factors can be the tools you have at your disposal. Not everyone has Photoshop on their desktop but there are a lot of tools that can be used to express creativity. One of these is a PDF editor.

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Since PDFs are such a common file type, particularly in the business world, it behooves people to learn how to use them and use them correctly. If you are using them as a means of creation in the workplace, there are some PDF editing skills that can greatly help you. One of these is the PDF merge tool which lets you merge PDFs or images together so that you can add images to your PDF. Once you have an image in your PDF, it is likely not the perfect size, so you will need to crop the PDF. This is where having a PDF editor can come in very handy. If you know how to work with PDF editors, you will be able to crop images and greatly enhance your PDF.

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How to Crop a PDF using PDF Pro


PDF Pro is one of the more popular PDFs at the moment. It has some great tools, and it is easy to use relative to some of the other online PDF editors right now. To crop an image or page in PDF pro is rather simple. All you have to do is go to the edit tab and there will be an option to crop the page. After selecting this option, you will then be given a tool that you can use to crop and change the PDF page or image that you need to. Just remember to save it when you are finished.

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How to Crop a PDF (using built-in tools from Windows)


To crop a PDF using Windows, you need to first navigate to the Windows Snippet tool. This tool can be used to crop images and PDFs. When you have the tool ready, you can open your PDF and begin the process by using the box tool in Snippet to show how and where you want your PDF cropped. While you can do it this way, it is not the best way. Online PDF editors generally offer a cleaner and easier to use way of cropping PDFs.



How to Crop PDF Pages (Multiple)

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Sometimes when working on certain projects, we will need to crop multiple pages at the same time. This might sound like a hard thing to do at first; however, by using the merge PDF tool, we can make it much simpler. If you are using an online PDF editor that has the merge PDF tool then you can use it to merge different PDFs together into a single file. The benefit of doing this in regard to crop PDF pages is that once you have the different PDF pages in one file, then you can compile them and crop them all at the same time before you have to print or send them to someone else.

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How to Crop a PDF in Preview (Mac)


If you have a Mac device, then there is a built-in PDF editor already available for you to use. This PDF editor does not have all the same tools as a PDF editor such as Adobe Acrobat or Lumin PDF but it does offer a fair amount. In terms of cropping, you crop PDFs within the Mac PDF editor, you can do this in the PDF preview panel. When you preview your PDF, there will be a markup option that will allow you to make changes, including cropping your PDF.


How to Crop PDF with PDF Expert

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PDF expert is a nice PDF editor that comes with many different tools and is relatively easy to use compared to some other PDF editors. It is also one of the better PDF editors for working remotely or on a mobile device. To crop pages with PDF Expert, firstly you should open your PDF in PDF Expert. Afterward, you can look at file properties and there will be an option for page size. Here you will be able to change the size of the PDF and crop it.


How to Crop PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro


Of all the PDF editors mentioned on this list, Adobe Acrobat is probably the most well-known. Although Adobe Acrobat is expensive compared to other PDF editors, it is that way for a reason, when it comes to quality, there are few that can match its abilities and tools. Editing and cropping a PDF with Adobe Acrobat is simple also. To do this all you need to do is open your PDF, go to the edit option, and here there will be some secondary options that will allow you to resize or crop the page you need to.

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How to Undo cropping a PDF

PDF editors are for the most part the same albeit with some slight variations when it comes to tools and some other things that come with them. This is useful when we want to undo cropping a PDF. Sometimes we have resized wrong or simply decided we do not want to crop the PDF. In this situation, it is as easy as hitting ctrl+z. Also, most PDF editors will have an undo button which will undo whatever the last action you took was. In general, though, you should be careful when cropping PDFs.



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